Paris Fractional Ownership Contact Form

Paris metro sign

We have prepared the following contact form to provide you with a means to inform us of your specific interest in a Paris Fractional Ownership property. Please include detailed contact information so that we can get back to you quickly. We are currently selling shares of several properties as well as planning for future Paris Fractional Ownership properties which are not yet listed on our site. Please let us know if you are interested in one of the present properties or considering a Paris Fractional Ownership and looking for more information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Items in bold are required

First name Last name
Email address #1 Email address #2
Phone #1 Phone #2
Preferred contact method  email  phone  Where did you hear about us?
City State
Zip Country
Below please indicate the property or properties you are interested in (Ctrl-click to select more than one) or your desired price range.
I am interested
in the following:
Desired price range:

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